The name “ASKIESBOS” originates back to when the owners moved up from the desert of the Kalahari, and apologized by saying "askies bos" ("sorry bush" in Afrikaans) every time they removed a piece of lush forest to build their home. Shade was almost non Read more +
The name “ASKIESBOS” originates back to when the owners moved up from the desert of the Kalahari, and apologized by saying "askies bos" ("sorry bush" in Afrikaans) every time they removed a piece of lush forest to build their home. Shade was almost non-existent in the Kalahari and the nature and riverine forests were valued greatly. Some guests also interpreted the name to mean to 'listen' to the forest, as if you are asking it to repeat itself: Askies, bos? Ever since then we try to work in line with nature, conserving the natural forest.
You are welcome to join us at Askiesbos for a lovely camping experiance.